AutomobilesAuto insurance can safeguard your investment and help protect the people important to you. If you have any doubts about the appropriate level of automobile coverage that’s right for you, we have excellent plans available through reputable auto insurers, and we will be happy to help pinpoint the coverages best suited to your needs. How Much Insurance is EnoughAuto insurance blends several types of coverage into one policy. Typically, your policy will include some combination of comprehensive, collision, medical, liability and uninsured motorist coverage. Collision covers damage to your car from an accident. We can help you decide whether or not to carry collision coverage by balancing the cost of collision insurance with the value of your car. It might not be worth paying $200 a year for collision insurance on a car that's worth only $1,000. But if the car is worth $10,000, you probably want this coverage. Comprehensive coverage pays for your car if it is stolen, vandalized or damaged in some way other than in a collision. Medical coverage provides for medical expenses to you and your passengers that are the result of an accident. The way you use your car may make a difference in the amount of medical coverage you need. For example, we might suggest more coverage for a parent who regularly takes a carload of kids to baseball practice than someone who drives mostly alone. MotorcycleProtecting yourself and your bike is a priority of Kingman Insurance
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